Create "bins" for choropleth maps creating using either ggplot2 or leaflet. The function can create the bins automatically or will accept pre-specified breaks.

dep_map_breaks(.data, var, new_var, classes, style, breaks,
    sig_digits = 2, return = "col", show_warnings = TRUE)



A data object, either sf, tibble, or data.frame


Variable breaks should be based on, can be quoted or unquoted


Optional name of new variable to store breaks in, can be quoted or unquoted. This is required if you are returning a column, but can be omitted if you are returning breaks instead of a column.


Optional integer scalar; count of the number of classes to create. If you are supplying breaks manually, this can be omitted.


String scalar; one of the classes supported by classInt::classIntervals(). "jenks" is the ArcGIS default. "quantile" and "fisher" are better alternatives. As with classes, this can be omitted if you are supplying breaks manually.


Optional numeric vector if you want to pre-specify the cut points for your breaks. Provide the lower and upper bounds of your distribution. Any values supplied in between the bounds will be the upper bound of individual bins.


Integer; how many significant digits should be applied when calculating breaks and constructing labels?


String scalar; one of either "col" (default) or "breaks". The default behavior adds a factor containing the bins to the data object to facilitate mapping. Specifying "breaks" will return the calculated breaks instead, which can be modified and passed to the breaks argument later in a script to make the final map.


Logical scalar; if TRUE, warnings created by classInt::classIntervals() if NA values are identified while findings classes.


Either a data object (if return is "col") or a vector of breaks (if return is "breaks"). If a data object is returned, the new column will be placed directly after the input variable specified in var.


# prep data
## load sample data
ndi_m <- dep_sample_data(index = "ndi_m")

## calculate NDI with sample data
ndi_m <- dep_calc_index(ndi_m, geography = "county", index = "ndi_m", year = 2022,
  return_percentiles = TRUE)
#> Warning: The proportion of variance explained by PC1 is less than 0.50.

# calculate breaks using a built-in algorithm
dep_map_breaks(ndi_m, var = "NDI_M", new_var = "map_breaks", classes = 5,
  style = "fisher")
#> # A tibble: 115 × 5
#>    GEOID NAME                        YEAR NDI_M map_breaks    
#>    <chr> <chr>                      <dbl> <dbl> <fct>         
#>  1 29001 Adair County, Missouri      2022 63.2  60.10 - 80.26 
#>  2 29003 Andrew County, Missouri     2022  6.14 0.00 - 19.74  
#>  3 29005 Atchison County, Missouri   2022 24.6  19.75 - 39.91 
#>  4 29007 Audrain County, Missouri    2022 58.8  39.92 - 60.09 
#>  5 29009 Barry County, Missouri      2022 59.6  39.92 - 60.09 
#>  6 29011 Barton County, Missouri     2022 92.1  80.27 - 100.00
#>  7 29013 Bates County, Missouri      2022 83.3  80.27 - 100.00
#>  8 29015 Benton County, Missouri     2022 68.4  60.10 - 80.26 
#>  9 29017 Bollinger County, Missouri  2022 78.9  60.10 - 80.26 
#> 10 29019 Boone County, Missouri      2022 14.0  0.00 - 19.74  
#> # ℹ 105 more rows

# use manually specified breaks
## set breaks
breaks <- c(0, 25, 50, 75, max(ndi_m$NDI_M))

## calculate breaks
dep_map_breaks(ndi_m, var = "NDI_M", new_var = "map_breaks", breaks = breaks)
#> # A tibble: 115 × 5
#>    GEOID NAME                        YEAR NDI_M map_breaks    
#>    <chr> <chr>                      <dbl> <dbl> <fct>         
#>  1 29001 Adair County, Missouri      2022 63.2  50.01 - 75.00 
#>  2 29003 Andrew County, Missouri     2022  6.14 0.00 - 25.00  
#>  3 29005 Atchison County, Missouri   2022 24.6  0.00 - 25.00  
#>  4 29007 Audrain County, Missouri    2022 58.8  50.01 - 75.00 
#>  5 29009 Barry County, Missouri      2022 59.6  50.01 - 75.00 
#>  6 29011 Barton County, Missouri     2022 92.1  75.01 - 100.00
#>  7 29013 Bates County, Missouri      2022 83.3  75.01 - 100.00
#>  8 29015 Benton County, Missouri     2022 68.4  50.01 - 75.00 
#>  9 29017 Bollinger County, Missouri  2022 78.9  75.01 - 100.00
#> 10 29019 Boone County, Missouri      2022 14.0  0.00 - 25.00  
#> # ℹ 105 more rows