This function creates a vector or tibble
variables included in particular calls.
dep_build_varlist(geography, index, year, survey = "acs5", output = "vector")
A character scalar; one of "state"
, "county"
, or
A character scalar or vector listing deprivation measures
to return. These include the area deprivation index ("adi"
the gini coefficient ("gini"
), two versions of the neighborhood
deprivation index by Messer ("ndi_m"
) and Powell and Wiley
), and four versions of the social vulnerability
index ("svi10"
, "svi14"
, "svi20"
, and "svi20s"
A numeric scalar between 2010 and 2020
A character scalar representing the Census product. It can
be any American Community Survey product (either "acs1"
, or "acs5"
). Note that "acs3"
discontinued after 2013.
A character scalar; either "vector"
(default) or
. See Return below.
A vector of variable names or a tibble
containing both
variable names, labels, and the measure(s) they are associated with.
# Gini coefficient at the Census tract level
dep_build_varlist(geography = "tract", index = "gini", year = 2019)
#> [1] "B19083_001"
# ADI for 2015 at the county level
dep_build_varlist(geography = "county", index = "adi", year = 2015)
#> [1] "B11005_001" "B11005_002" "B11005_005" "B15003_001" "B15003_002"
#> [6] "B15003_003" "B15003_004" "B15003_005" "B15003_006" "B15003_007"
#> [11] "B15003_008" "B15003_009" "B15003_010" "B15003_011" "B15003_012"
#> [16] "B15003_017" "B15003_018" "B15003_019" "B15003_020" "B15003_021"
#> [21] "B15003_022" "B15003_023" "B15003_024" "B15003_025" "B17010_001"
#> [26] "B17010_002" "B19001_002" "B19001_011" "B19001_012" "B19001_013"
#> [31] "B19001_014" "B19001_015" "B19001_016" "B19001_017" "B19113_001"
#> [36] "B23025_003" "B23025_005" "B25003_001" "B25003_002" "B25014_001"
#> [41] "B25014_005" "B25014_006" "B25014_007" "B25014_011" "B25014_012"
#> [46] "B25014_013" "B25044_001" "B25044_003" "B25044_010" "B25064_001"
#> [51] "B25077_001" "B25088_002" "C17002_001" "C17002_002" "C17002_003"
#> [56] "C17002_004" "C17002_005" "C24010_001" "C24010_003" "C24010_039"
# NDI by Messer for 2018 at the ZCTA level, tibble output
dep_build_varlist(geography = "county", index = "ndi_m", year = 2018,
output = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 19 × 3
#> name label concept
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 B06009_001 Estimate!!Total PLACE …
#> 2 B06009_002 Estimate!!Total!!Less than high school graduate PLACE …
#> 3 B17017_002 Estimate!!Total!!Income in the past 12 months below pover… POVERT…
#> 4 B19001_002 Estimate!!Total!!Less than $10,000 HOUSEH…
#> 5 B19001_003 Estimate!!Total!!$10,000 to $14,999 HOUSEH…
#> 6 B19001_004 Estimate!!Total!!$15,000 to $19,999 HOUSEH…
#> 7 B19001_005 Estimate!!Total!!$20,000 to $24,999 HOUSEH…
#> 8 B19001_006 Estimate!!Total!!$25,000 to $29,999 HOUSEH…
#> 9 B19058_002 Estimate!!Total!!With cash public assistance or Food Stam… PUBLIC…
#> 10 B25115_012 Estimate!!Total!!Owner occupied!!Family households!!Other… TENURE…
#> 11 B25115_025 Estimate!!Total!!Renter occupied!!Family households!!Othe… TENURE…
#> 12 C24030_002 Estimate!!Total!!Male SEX BY…
#> 13 C24030_018 Estimate!!Total!!Male!!Professional, scientific, and mana… SEX BY…
#> 14 C24030_019 Estimate!!Total!!Male!!Professional, scientific, and mana… SEX BY…
#> 15 DP03_0003 Estimate!!EMPLOYMENT STATUS!!Population 16 years and over… SELECT…
#> 16 DP03_0005 Estimate!!EMPLOYMENT STATUS!!Population 16 years and over… SELECT…
#> 17 DP04_0002 Estimate!!HOUSING OCCUPANCY!!Total housing units!!Occupie… SELECT…
#> 18 DP04_0078 Estimate!!OCCUPANTS PER ROOM!!Occupied housing units!!1.0… SELECT…
#> 19 DP04_0079 Estimate!!OCCUPANTS PER ROOM!!Occupied housing units!!1.5… SELECT…