This function creates a vector or tibble containing variables included in particular calls.

dep_build_varlist(geography, index, year, survey = "acs5", output = "vector")



A character scalar; one of "state", "county", or "tract"


A character scalar or vector listing deprivation measures to return. These include the area deprivation index ("adi"), the gini coefficient ("gini"), two versions of the neighborhood deprivation index by Messer ("ndi_m") and Powell and Wiley ("ndi_pw"), and four versions of the social vulnerability index ("svi10", "svi14", "svi20", and "svi20s").


A numeric scalar between 2010 and 2020


A character scalar representing the Census product. It can be any American Community Survey product (either "acs1", "acs3", or "acs5"). Note that "acs3" was discontinued after 2013.


A character scalar; either "vector" (default) or tibble. See Return below.


A vector of variable names or a tibble containing both variable names, labels, and the measure(s) they are associated with.


# Gini coefficient at the Census tract level
dep_build_varlist(geography = "tract", index = "gini", year = 2019)
#> [1] "B19083_001"

# ADI for 2015 at the county level
dep_build_varlist(geography = "county", index = "adi", year = 2015)
#>  [1] "B11005_001" "B11005_002" "B11005_005" "B15003_001" "B15003_002"
#>  [6] "B15003_003" "B15003_004" "B15003_005" "B15003_006" "B15003_007"
#> [11] "B15003_008" "B15003_009" "B15003_010" "B15003_011" "B15003_012"
#> [16] "B15003_017" "B15003_018" "B15003_019" "B15003_020" "B15003_021"
#> [21] "B15003_022" "B15003_023" "B15003_024" "B15003_025" "B17010_001"
#> [26] "B17010_002" "B19001_002" "B19001_011" "B19001_012" "B19001_013"
#> [31] "B19001_014" "B19001_015" "B19001_016" "B19001_017" "B19113_001"
#> [36] "B23025_003" "B23025_005" "B25003_001" "B25003_002" "B25014_001"
#> [41] "B25014_005" "B25014_006" "B25014_007" "B25014_011" "B25014_012"
#> [46] "B25014_013" "B25044_001" "B25044_003" "B25044_010" "B25064_001"
#> [51] "B25077_001" "B25088_002" "C17002_001" "C17002_002" "C17002_003"
#> [56] "C17002_004" "C17002_005" "C24010_001" "C24010_003" "C24010_039"

# NDI by Messer for 2018 at the ZCTA level, tibble output
dep_build_varlist(geography = "county", index = "ndi_m", year = 2018,
  output = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 19 × 3
#>    name       label                                                      concept
#>    <chr>      <chr>                                                      <chr>  
#>  1 B06009_001 Estimate!!Total                                            PLACE …
#>  2 B06009_002 Estimate!!Total!!Less than high school graduate            PLACE …
#>  3 B17017_002 Estimate!!Total!!Income in the past 12 months below pover… POVERT…
#>  4 B19001_002 Estimate!!Total!!Less than $10,000                         HOUSEH…
#>  5 B19001_003 Estimate!!Total!!$10,000 to $14,999                        HOUSEH…
#>  6 B19001_004 Estimate!!Total!!$15,000 to $19,999                        HOUSEH…
#>  7 B19001_005 Estimate!!Total!!$20,000 to $24,999                        HOUSEH…
#>  8 B19001_006 Estimate!!Total!!$25,000 to $29,999                        HOUSEH…
#>  9 B19058_002 Estimate!!Total!!With cash public assistance or Food Stam… PUBLIC…
#> 10 B25115_012 Estimate!!Total!!Owner occupied!!Family households!!Other… TENURE…
#> 11 B25115_025 Estimate!!Total!!Renter occupied!!Family households!!Othe… TENURE…
#> 12 C24030_002 Estimate!!Total!!Male                                      SEX BY…
#> 13 C24030_018 Estimate!!Total!!Male!!Professional, scientific, and mana… SEX BY…
#> 14 C24030_019 Estimate!!Total!!Male!!Professional, scientific, and mana… SEX BY…
#> 15 DP03_0003  Estimate!!EMPLOYMENT STATUS!!Population 16 years and over… SELECT…
#> 16 DP03_0005  Estimate!!EMPLOYMENT STATUS!!Population 16 years and over… SELECT…
#> 17 DP04_0002  Estimate!!HOUSING OCCUPANCY!!Total housing units!!Occupie… SELECT…
#> 18 DP04_0078  Estimate!!OCCUPANTS PER ROOM!!Occupied housing units!!1.0… SELECT…
#> 19 DP04_0079  Estimate!!OCCUPANTS PER ROOM!!Occupied housing units!!1.5… SELECT…